Advertising needs to effectively tell people about your products and services. The method for doing this varies with the medium, but there are patterns within each medium and some overall advice that applies to all advertising.

  • Brevity and conciseness – Perhaps the common feature of all good advertising- conveying the essential information in as little space as possible.

Many people or different ages and cultural backgrounds will see your sign. They might see it day or night, from a moving vehicle or while partly distracted. If the sign cannot be grasped in one glance the effect is lost. Convey only what you need to get the customer’s attention. They might come in closer for more information, like a phone number, but unless you catch their attention they won’t come that far.

  • Less-is-More – You don’t want to cut down on what you have to say, not if it is essential information. The idea is to convey more information with less space. Use colour, image, space, 3D design and text to show what might take many pages of words to explain.
  • Appreciate First Focus What first draws somebody’s attention to a sign? If it is the company logo you are probably on the right track. Else, the point the customer sees first should be the point you want to convey.
  • Impressions- People will judge your company on its external appearance, which includes your advertising and signs. This can work even if they do not know your line of business; the sign can look formal, light-hearted or serious. Have a sign design that instantansously shows the type of attitude you want your company to live up to, and then fulfil the customer’s expectations.
  • Originallity – No formula will work for originality. But we do know that overfamiliar sights tends to get overlooked. If your advertising campaign looks like a street sign or safety warning you will probably not be noticed, unless you happen to have a product and a context that suits this.


Pull-up Banners Sydney

The ultimate in convenience and storage, these are large enough to make an impression, and fold up to a package that can be carried under one arm.


Posters Sydney         

You can say a little more with a poster than you can with other mediums. As long as the poster can have an overall effect that a viewer takes in a glance it is acceptable to have more information available on closer inspection.


Stickers Sydney        

Stickers really do have a minimal amount of space. Use a sticker to convey a logo and a slogan; apart from contact details they cannot carry too much more. This can be an advantage- the minimal information can have a sense of mystery, and the viewer might want to know more.


Marquees Sydney     

The size of a marquee does make a bold statement, but do not be tempted to make things too elaborate. Big and bold are better served with minimal text, and everything else conveyed with logos and the right colours. Despite the space this is not the place for elaborate details.