Oil was once relatively cheap. Early cars had tiny engines that ran on ‘motor spirit’ (which we call ‘petrol’ or ‘gas’), and the number of people driving was quite low. So for the early years of motoring history it was quite possible to supply the world’s needs using only oil in easy to access locations. But since then demands have greatly increased, and the easy to access oil locations have long since dried up.
Another change is the quality of the oil. It is still possible to extract good petrol from today’s oil, but much of the crude oil has high sulphur or CO2 content, making it corrosive. To prevent this causing problems the crude oil must be transported through pipes that can resist this corrosion.
Cladding Pipe
Cladding pipe material greatly prevents corrosion issues when transporting crude oil and gas. This is due to both the pipe manufacturing material and the way the pips fit together. At present it is estimated that corrosion in the Oil, gas and petrochemical industries costs about one trillion dollars annually. Corrosion in other industries is slightly higher. Use of cladding pipe will significantly reduce the costs connected with this corrosion problem. The added advantage is that the cladding pipe material will last for many years to come.